August Outdoor Meeting – Frances Park
The August MMPC meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 5, 2020, at 6:30 p.m. at Frances Park, 2701 Moores River Drive, Lansing, MI 48911. We sought an outdoor location to accommodate social distancing. The park features a rose garden and an overlook on the Grand River. Bring your camera and equipment and your mask. Note that there is construction at Waverly Road and I-496. Access to Moores River Drive is open from Martin Luther King. We will gather near the Pavilion and the Rose Garden. Please join us for this hands-on program. We are looking forward to this meeting because it will be the first MMPC event in several months. Even though we will be outdoors, remember to social distance and to wear masks. A map to Frances Park is at,-84.5905669,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x8822c014c867a335:0xb63a7a3a4792185f!8m2!3d42.717311!4d-84.5883729
MMPC Board Update and Reminder
The MMPC Board meets regularly. The Board meeting schedule is posted on the calendar at Recent meetings have been virtual, rather than in-person. Lenny Robinson and Jim Leary have recently been joining the board’s discussions. Board elections are scheduled for October 2020. We welcome any MMPC members who are interested in serving on the Board. All MMPC members are welcome at all MMPC Board meetings. Send an email to or to request the Zoom information for a Board meeting.