April MMPC Meeting
An in-person meeting of the Mid-Michigan Photography Club is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday April 7, 2021. Given the recent pleasant weather and the response to the Fenner outing, we will try to meet outdoors. We will meet on the east side of the Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum at Michigan State University. Parking is available in a lot to the South, across Circle Drive. Parking is also available in MSU Ramp 6, with an entrance off of East Circle Drive. Bring your camera and tripod. We will walk around Benefactors Plaza and the Broad Museum building.
This is Michigan. In the event of inclement weather, an alternate online event will be held and an announcement will be sent to the MMPC email list and will posted on the MMPC web site at http://mmphotoclub.net. Plans for upcoming MMPC meetings are on the MMPC website calendar page at http://mmphotoclub.net/calendar/.
MMPC has been informed that First Presbyterian Church plans to reevaluate use of the church when the current Health Order is changed. The MMPC Board has decided to hold outdoor and virtual meetings because of the restriction on group activities under current health orders, the uncertainty of plans for activities at First Presbyterian Church, and our concern to prevent transmission of the coronavirus and to protect the safety of MMPC members.
March Virtual Meeting
Thanks to Doug Milligan for an informative session at the March meeting. Also, thanks to Bill Lockhart for sharing images. It was good to see many members in the online environment. Their contributions are truly appreciated.
MMPC Photo Challenge
Thanks to all who have contributed to the MMPC Photo Challenge. The January theme is Minimalism. A gallery of the photos is on the web site at http://mmphotoclub.net/monthly-challenge/. If you do not use the Facebook group, send your entry by email to mmpclansing@gmail.com so that we can post it to the Facebook page. Discussion of the photos, beyond simply liking the picture, is encouraged. The current and upcoming monthly themes for the photo challenge are:
- March 2021 – First Sign(s) of Spring
- April 2021 – Glass(es)