October Virtual Meeting
Thanks to Bill Harrison for a thorough and informative session on printing photos at the October meeting. It was good to see many members in the online environment. Bill’s contributions are truly appreciated.
November Virtual Meeting
Ryan Latourette of Capital Drones (https://www.facebook.com/capitoldrones) will be the presenter on drone still and video photography during an online meeting scheduled for 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday November 4, 2020. Capitol Drones provides aerial photography and aerial videography capturing images and video at low altitudes that provides a unique perspective. His images and video are an interesting application of photography. MMPC will send the online meeting information by email the Monday before the event. The online meeting information will also be posted on the MMPC Facebook Group.
MMPC has been informed that First Presbyterian Church plans to reevaluate use of the church when the current Executive Order is changed. The church does not plan to allow outside use of facilities until after the first of the year. The MMPC Board decided to hold virtual meetings because of the restriction on group activities under current health orders, the uncertainty of plans for activities at First Presbyterian Church, and our concern to prevent transmission of the coronavirus and to protect the safety of MMPC members.
Annual Dues
At the September meeting we started collecting the dues for the year. We have kept the cost of being a club member to $35 again this year. Please understand that the dues have been used to defray costs associated with speakers, our venue and snacks provided at meetings and our annual holiday dinner. As a board, we have decided to obtain a Zoom account to conduct virtual meetings as the weather changes and this health condition continues. If you haven’t paid yet, you can send payments to: Karen Towner, 10727 Keefer Highway, Portland, MI 48875.
MMPC Board Election
The MMPC Board meets regularly. The Board meeting schedule is posted on the calendar at http://mmphotoclub.net/calendar. Recent meetings have been virtual, rather than in-person. Board elections were held at the October 2020 MMPC membership meeting. Paul Bielawski has been elected as President, Lenny Robinson as Vice-president, and Jim Leary as member at-large. Please contact any MMPC Board member if you are interested in participating in a Board meeting.
Big Cookie
Calling all MMPC members! If you, or someone you know, was the winner of the Big Cookie People’s Choice Award for the theme Music, please contact the club at mmpclansing@gmail.com so that your image can be displayed in the gallery at http://mmphotoclub.net/competitionbig-cookie/ and to claim the gift certificate prize that goes with the award.
MMPC Photo Challenge
Thanks to all who have contributed to the MMPC Photo Challenge. The A September theme is Street Signs. A gallery of the photos is on the web site at http://mmphotoclub.net/monthly-challenge/. If you do not use the Facebook group, send your entry by email to mmpclansing@gmail.com so that we can post it to the Facebook page. Discussion of the photos, beyond simply liking the picture, is encouraged. The current and upcoming monthly themes for the photo challenge are:
- October 2020 – Produce of Fall
- November 2020 – Food and Drink
The MMPC Board has designated themes for each month through January 2021. Your ideas for future themes are welcome. Send an email to mmpclansing@gmail.com or bielawp@gmail.com with your ideas or request the Zoom information for a Board meeting where you can join our discussion.